“I can't do this anymore… I want an open marriage.”

Gary never felt less like a man than when his wife said those words…

The thought of his wife… the woman he had made an oath to… in bed with another man?

It made him sick to his stomach…

But as much as he hated the thought of it…

He couldn’t blame her.

After twenty good years of marriage, something in him had changed…

  • He’d sleep for hours on end but still wake up feeling like he’d been hit by a truck in the morning…
  • Dumbbells he could once curl easily – now felt 15-20 lbs heavier…
  • His metabolism had slowed to a crawl – as his waistline continued to expand…
  • Even his once young, nimble mind was replaced with a thick fog (making it darn near impossible to focus)…
  • Plus, his “hair trigger” temper was changing him into someone he didn’t like…
  • Yet the worst part was the “bedroom issues” – that were robbing the passion from his failing marriage…

Truth is, he felt like a former shell of the confident, powerful man his wife had first fallen in love with…

Like something was just “missing” deep down inside of him.

Yet, as he would soon find out……

It was all thanks to his low T problem that he thought was impossible to fix…

Because you see…

For the past 4 and a half years…

He had been doing everything he could to save his dying marriage…

Up until that heart-wrenching moment his wife decided she wanted to see other men (a.k.a. open up their marriage)...

He thought they were doing okay…

She’d hug him out of nowhere…

Kiss him every time he came home from work…

Even go for long walks at the park with him every Sunday…

So imagine his surprise when the illusion finally shattered…

It was on the night of his 20th anniversary when things finally went south, faster than a cart down a mineshaft...

He took his wife to a fancy hotel…

He wanted to surprise her with a romantic anniversary celebration.

He went “all out”…

Rose petals on the bed…

A bottle of vintage champagne on the nightstand…

Heck – he even played their favorite song that they first kissed to…

And it worked like a charm.

Her eyes lit up. They embraced. And kissed passionately like lovestruck teenagers again.

He looked deep into her loving eyes…

And thought, “this is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

The moment felt perfect.


But as he’d soon find out – this magical moment was about to end horribly…

See, after another round of making out…

Their clothes flew off in a whirlwind…

feet And – not to “overshare” – but he was proud of how well he was performing in bed…

That is, until about 2 minutes in when he completely “lost it”.

He panicked as his manhood went limper than a wet noodle…

“Uhhh… Give me some time, I’ll get it up again…” he whispered.

He struggled for 5 minutes…

Then 10, 30, and eventually an hour…

With his head hanging in shame…

He excused himself to the bathroom to try “get it up” himself and hopefully save this night from becoming a disaster.

But as he sat there, trying so hard to make his manhood work like it’s supposed to…

Nothing happened.

And when he came back to the room…

There was disappointment written all over his wife’s face.

Truthfully, he felt impotent. Weak. And like less of a man.

But that’s not even the worst part…

It was when he finally decided to put his pants back on…

She said 5 little words…

That would leave him staring wide-eyed at the ceiling through the rest of that night.

“Gary, this just isn’t working anymore…”

“I’ve been trying my best to stay faithful.”

“But this has been going on for way too long…”

“I mean… We’ve only had awful sex just twice in the past 3 years!”

“Gary, I want an open marriage...”

“No… I NEED an open marriage.”

That night went on to scar him for life…

And he thought that his relationship with his wife was coming to a tragic end.

He was so desperate he was willing to try anything and everything to get her and his MANHOOD back.

But as bruised and battered as his ego was…

There’s a silver lining to all of this.


That mortifying moment ultimately led him to not only find the “testosterone synapse” secret that would save his marriage…

smile couple

But it also transformed him back into the
confident man he was in his early 20s.

But it also transformed him back into the confident man he was in his early 20s.

I’m talking virile, robust, and ready for sex at a moment’s notice.

With the unbridled, roaring energy of a young bull to boot…

Not to mention, laser-like mental clarity…

And a sense of peace, tranquility and well-being that he hadn’t felt in years.

Before discovering this secret, Gary
tried EVERYTHING to fix his low T

Before discovering this secret, Gary tried EVERYTHING to fix his low T

iconForcing himself to exercise regularly

iconGetting 7-8 hours of sleep a night

iconAdding salmon, avocados, and taking fish oil supplements

iconTaking ice-cold showers like a Wim Hoff disciple

iconTrying one of those meditation apps

iconSnacking on brazil nuts, walnuts, and almonds

iconBought “performance” enhancing drugs from shady retailers

iconEven throwing his best high-power pose in front of the mirror (which is even more ridiculous than it sounds)

Yet nothing was working…

And he was getting more desperate as this nightmare threatened to ruin his life and unravel his marriage. But…

After spending sleepless nights searching
for a real solution, he stumbled across this
long thread in a men’s health forum…

Revealing one doctor’s quick 3-second method that would increase testosterone virtually overnight.

At first, Gary thought this had to be too good to be true…

But as he scrolled through dozens and dozens of threads…

He realized that this 3-second method was truly the only thing that helped these men regain their virility.

But Gary wasn’t satisfied with just reading about it…

He wanted to talk to the doctor who created it and see firsthand how this 3-second method could turn him back into the raging bull of his younger years…

And that’s how Gary finally put an end to his low T struggles, for good…

When he took a leap of faith – and finally reached out to me.

Hi, my name is Doctor Steve Hruby

I’m the man behind the Testosterone Synapse Breakthrough and the 3-second method that is giving men a natural solution to boosting T.

The sad truth is, I’ve heard sad stories like Gary’s all too often…

And 10 years ago when I experienced the effects of low T firsthand, I knew there had to be a better way to support men’s health.

That’s why after 2 and a half decades of practicing and studying natural health…

I discovered the real root cause of low T…

Which has NOTHING to do with your age, lifestyle, diet, or genetics…

But it has everything to do with a “broken” signal connecting your brain to your testes.

In fact…

steve steve

My 3-second method can fix this broken “Testosterone Synapse” that’s stopping your T production in its tracks…

And put an end to a life of low T, for good.

Plus, it doesn't matter whether you're 25, 45, or even 60…

Whether you're physically fit or overweight…

This science-backed all-natural method has the power to send your testosterone to sky-high levels…

WITHOUT pumping artificial chemicals into your body or risking the harmful side-effects of TRT…

And WITHOUT eating bland diets, exercising regularly, shoving needles into your butt or throwing ridiculous high-power poses in front of the mirror.

This method has also helped over 80,000 people regain their youth

Feel alive and energetic, and…

Bring life back to the bedroom…

All after just a few weeks.

And once you see the science for yourself, and just how incredibly simple my 3-second method is…

You’ll be shocked at how quickly and easily you can get your T levels back up where they should be.

But before I get into all of that…

Let me tell you a little bit more about me…

And how I came upon this Testosterone Synapse breakthrough in the first place.

So like I mentioned before,
I’m Dr. Steve Hruby


I graduated from Palmer College in San Jose, California...1

Which is one of the most prestigious integrative medicine schools in the world.

Since then – I’ve practiced for over 20 years...

Spoken at RAADfest… the largest conference on biohacking the world over…

And founded the “Super Human Longevity” podcast bringing cutting-edge natural health breakthroughs to everyday Americans.

Yet despite all of my medical training...

And years of practicing and teaching medicine…


The discovery I’m about to share with you took me by complete surprise.

As I’ve already hinted at…

This discovery is a powerfully effective way to skyrocket your testosterone.

There’s a large body of research supporting it...

But it’s been tucked away in Eastern Medical journals...

And is never mentioned here in the United States.

Likely because...

This New And Natural Fix Is
Incredibly Simple...

And when regular guys catch wind of this shocking new discovery...

It will blow a hole in the billion dollar Pharmaceutical industry...

That quite frankly... is paying our country’s debts.

So it’s no surprise the powers that be want to keep this quiet...

And it’s important you keep reading...

Because who knows how long we’ll be able to keep this website running.

Now despite practicing natural medicine for decades...

I was shocked that I never heard of this powerful testosterone treatment until recently.

All I knew was that over the past several years...

The amount of men coming into my office struggling with:


iconJoint Pain

iconLow sex drive

iconUncontrollable weight gain and muscle loss

And a handful of other “man problems”...

Kept getting bigger and bigger.

And from my medical training…

Along with my constant reviewing of the latest research...

It was clear to me that pretty much all of these issues stem from low testosterone. banana

Now— you’re likely familiar with the term low-t...

And most doctors… or ads on television and on the radio... claim low T is a normal part of aging.

But according to new research from Dr. Gary Wittert... A professor of medicine at the University of Adelaide in Australia...


Low Testosterone Is NOT A
Normal Part Of Aging...
And It Can Be Avoided(2)

old man

Which is why I want you to lean in and read every word on this page...

Because starting right now…

You’ll discover the latest research about your testosterone... that you’ve likely never heard before...

And when you take action today...

You can finally restore your testosterone to youthful levels...

By simply consuming a few key ingredients...

Almost unheard of here in the United States...

That safely alters the hormone control center of your brain...

And Immediately trigger boatloads of Natural Testosterone like a Flip of a Switch...

Simulating the same kind of T boost you had as a kid.


During puberty there’s a neuron in your brain that gets stimulated up to 20 times a day...

That forces your body to produce more testosterone...

And transforms your physique from a “kid body” to a grown man’s body.

But over the years...

This neuron in your brain goes quiet.

It’s still there...

But it’s weak, like a bad radio signal.

However when you activate this neuron... it gives you an almost...

Puberty-like Surge Of Testosterone Regardless
Of Your Age Or Current Physical Shape...

And in a minute...

I’ll show you how you can re-activate this neuron in your brain... and feel the warm rush of hormones surging through your body all over again.

But first it’s helpful to understand why testosterone is so important.

See— testosterone is the single hormone that controls just about every characteristic that makes a man... a man.

Remember when you were a teenager...

How easy it was to build defined muscle just from lifting a little bit of weights in gym class?

Or eat all the junk food you wanted and never put on fat?

It’s not because you were young...

Or your metabolism was faster back then...

It’s because your testosterone levels were raging. Which allows you to put on muscle faster and burn fat at lightning quick speed.



Your Testosterone Controls
Your Metabolism.

Research from the Journal of Endocrinology... calls testosterone a “metabolic hormone” that helps you burn through carbs and fat. (3)

So if you’re struggling with stubborn belly fat that won’t go away no matter what you try...

Or you feel stuck gaining and losing the same ten pounds over and over again...

It’s NOT Because Your Metabolism Is Slowed Down... It’s Because Your T-levels Are Low

In fact— one of the tried and true low testosterone tests is simply looking down at your belly right now...

If you can you pinch or grab fat on your front, sides, or around your lower back...

Chances are you have low T.(4)

So it’s no surprise that research from the Boston University School of Medicine…

The International Association for the study of Obesity...

And dozens of other University-backed studies and research papers show increased testosterone levels quicken weight loss (5, 6, 7)

And can help you trim down the middle… stop wrestling with the same 10 or 15 pounds of fat… and finally get down to a leaner, more defined physique. abs

Testosterone controls your sex life and libido too(8)

Think back to your days in high school or college...

You may remember having to hide your “excitement” if you were talking to a cute girl...

Or sometimes your manhood would spring out of nowhere like a jack-in-the-box... and you’d have to cover it up with books walking down the hallway.

At the time it was pretty embarrassing...


Most men would kill to get that kind of mojo back.

The secret is more testosterone.

Studies show that...

Men with High Testosterone last longer in bed... Have stronger Erections... and have an overall more satisfying Sex Life...

According to surveys given to men and their partners.(9)(10)

So it’s just as much of a “pleasure hormone” as it is an anabolic muscle-building and fat burning hormone.

But aside from sex and vanity...

Testosterone controls many other health markers too...

For example...

Testosterone is needed to produce the red blood cells that carry oxygen around your body... which is important for keeping high energy throughout the day so you can get more done and stay focused at work.(11)

It’s also essential for your vitality... Because low testosterone levels makes you

old man

icon4-times more likely to develop type II diabetes (12)

icon1.8 times more likely to have high blood pressure (13)

iconCan increase depression and cause brain fog (14)

So if you feel like you can’t focus like you used to... or you’re not as witty and sharp... chances are, low testosterone is to blame

It’s amazing how your testosterone can either make life fun and spontaneous...

Or a living hell.

And because it’s the most important hormone in your body... and controls so many different factors of your life...

It’s no surprise that increasing t-levels is a hot topic.

But not all testosterone solutions are effective... or even safe.

The popular opinion of Big Pharma is that you need some form of gel, injection, patch or implant to feel like a man again.

This is commonly known as testosterone replacement therapy... or TRT for short.

Now I’m not going to say TRT doesn’t work...

It does in some cases. But...

Medical Doctors From Harvard University Warn... NOT To Take The Plunge On TRT Without Weighing Your Options...(15)


Because the risks are high.

A brand new report released just this year from the American Journal of Medicine...

Shows men on TRT have a 21% greater chance of heart issues. (16)

Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association...

Found older men on testosterone therapy have an increased risk of plaque buildup in their arteries...(17)

This plaque build-up forces your heart to pump harder and faster like you’re running uphill on a treadmill at full speed...

Which could trigger a terrifying cardiac event that sends you racing to the hospital...

To be sprawled across a cold operating table...

Have your chest opened up... and stents shoved in your heart to get it working like normal again.

Imagine for a second... The stress a heart issues would have on your family, Constantly worrying about you...

Asking if you’re “okay” all the time...

Walking on eggshells around you... because they’re afraid if your heart starts pounding again it could cause another scary episode.

That’s no way to live for you or for them…

But it isn’t rare by any means...

A 2010 TRT study at the Boston University School of Medicine separated 209 men over the age of 65 into two groups...

One received a placebo...

The other, 100 grams of topical testosterone gel.

And the results were so horrific...

The Boston University School of Medicine Had To Shut Down The Study Early

23 cardiac events were triggered...

Including heart issues... abnormal heart beat... and high blood pressure.

As well as 2 deaths of the 106 men in the testosterone group.(18)

Basically, 22% of men in the study using the testosterone gel... had some kind of damaging side effect to their heart.

Another study in 2013 at the University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center...

Shows 25.7% of the men who receive testosterone injections in their experiment... had some form of a cardiac event as well.

icon23 Heart Issues

icon67 Men Passed Away

heart issues

Now— the majority of men in these
experiments did have successful testosterone
replacement treatment with no side effects...

So again— it can work.

But it comes with a cost.

One I’m not willing to pay for my patients.

And in a second I’ll reveal the shocking connection found by a group of veterinarians…

Reveals Why Raging Bulls Have Such High Testosterone Levels...


And how this research led myself and a group of naturopathic doctors... to find a safe, natural and effective way to combat low-T...

Without nasty side effects. See...

Until now there were no major solutions for increasing testosterone naturally.

Sure— you can diet and exercise... but it will take a long time to see any noticeable boost in your testosterone.

And if you’re struggling with low T...

I bet you’re feeling every bit desperate just to get the old you back.

And you don’t want to suffer another couple of years, months, or even days under this emasculating spell.

Don’t get me wrong...

I’m all for getting back into the gym and encouraging you to exercise more...

Because that can help balance your hormones...

But right now if you’re suffering from low testosterone...

iconYou likely have no energy to workout

iconYou get out of breath quickly

iconYour body doesn't recover as fast as it used to your joints feel on fire

iconAnd your progress is super slow



Your testosterone levels determine how fast or slow you build muscle and burn fat.

So if your levels are already low...

It could take years before you finally notice an uptick in testosterone from being in better shape.

Now you could always get more sleep.

The latest research shows getting at least 8-10 hours of deep sleep every night can slightly increase your testosterone.

But for a lot of us…

Maybe for you...

8 hours of sleep just isn’t practical with a busy schedule and family life.

Plus— because your hormones are already out of whack...

You’ll have trouble getting and staying asleep.

So you’ll constantly wake up in the middle of the night and disrupt the deep sleep that impacts your testosterone.

A dead giveaway of this is if you wake up in the morning and you have to hit the snooze button on your alarm clock because you still don’t feel fully rested. Or...

You Wake Up Without Morning Wood At Least Twice A Week...

That’s a sure way to gauge your testosterone is low...

And you’re not producing much in your sleep.

Diets have pros and cons too.

While losing weight can help increase your testosterone...

Most popular diets... like the ketogenic diet or low fat diet... shrink your natural testosterone production.(19, 20)

And can block your brain’s ability to send signals to your testes to produce more testosterone.

More on that in a minute...

But to sum it up...

The current methods for increasing your T are either dangerous...

And come with feminizing and humiliating side effects...

Like shrunken testicles, man breasts, and infertility… and can even cause heart issues.

iconShrunken Testicles

iconMan Breasts


iconHeart Issues

Or they just aren’t practical…

Take too long...

And don’t make a noticeable difference in how you look and feel.

So with the growing amount of male patients asking for answers...

And a handful of them resorting to TRT from other clinics because they had no real natural option that could fix their man problems fast...

I set out on my own search…

To find a natural solution that will...

Unleash A Waterfall of Testosterone

Turbocharge your energy levels...

Reshape your body and get you strong and lean... instead of being stuck with a layer of fluff that won’t go away.

Plus— boost your drive and passion for life...

So you can be happy and active instead of turning into an old grump who winds-down like everyone else.

But to do that I had to dig my heels in...

And figure out what is really causing this low T epidemic.

Because like I mentioned earlier...

New research shows it’s not your age... or your current shape or fitness level.

old man

Even some of the fittest men in the world...

Like marathon runners and triathletes... have super low testosterone levels.(21)

So it’s important to understand what’s really going on.

Then I’ll show you the cutting edge research...

Behind a new and natural solution... that’s being used in Eastern countries...

That can target your man problems at the source... and get you feeling like yourself again— but better.

See there’s a lot of misinformation as to how testosterone is made in your body.

Most people think it starts in your testes.

However this is dead wrong.

Testosterone Production begins in a small region of your brain called The Hypothalamus

Your hypothalamus makes “androgen neurons”...

That signal to your testicles to produce and release testosterone.

These androgen neurons are also called Gonadotropin-releasing hormone expressing neurons... or GnlH for short.

When these neurons are stimulated...

They send signals to your testes to make 2 key anabolic hormones...

Luteinizing hormone... which I will refer to as LH.

And follicle-stimulating hormone... which I will abbreviate as FSH.

These two hormones, LH and FSH, are responsible for producing and releasing testosterone into your bloodstream.

Now that was a lot of biology that I just threw at you...

So let me paint this picture a simpler way.

Think of the brain-and-testes testosterone connection like the runway at an airport...

The runway is lined up with giant planes waiting to take off...

However these planes can’t take off until they get a radio signal from the Air Traffic Control tower.

If there is a fuzzy or weak connection between the Air Traffic Control tower and pilot... the plane will not be cleared to leave and will sit on the runway.

The same goes for your testes.

Unless your testes are getting the signal from your brain to produce and release testosterone... your T-levels won’t increase.

As you get older...

This signal between your Brain and Testes get weaker.

Like a weak radio-signal...

And it’s this broken chain of communication that the latest research suggests is the root cause of low T.

To sum it up even more simply...

The “androgen neurons” in your brain are putting out weak signals... so your testes can’t produce testosterone the way it used to.

So you feel just a trickle of energy and libido...

Instead of a rolling tide of testosterone flooding through your veins that you experienced during puberty.


These Androgen Signals Were First Discovered by a Group of Veterinarians in 1993…

Who found that when bulls were given a hypothalamus activator... it increased their GnlH stimulation... which led to significant increases in testosterone...(22)

Causing the bulls to be more wild and aggressive.

Another group of researchers at the Department of Animal Science at a private University in Quebec, Canada...

Found that when GnlH is triggered in bulls...

Their Testosterone Levels skyrocket and remain elevated for months at a time.(23)

bull There’s a lot of controversy around this...

Because recently bull-owners have been caught injecting their cattle with GnlH activators before rodeo events...

To increase the bulls’ aggression and bucking power.(24)

And while this is fascinating...


You and I obviously aren’t bulls.


So I was skeptical...

And wasn’t going to jump to conclusions...

speaker But I went down the rabbit hole to see if the GnlH thesis had any merit.

That’s when I found another animal study released by the Institute of Reproductive Medicine in Germany...

Showing that when GnlH is suppressed...

Testosterone levels shrink.(25)

And another animal study published in the Journal of Endocrinology...

Showing how castrated rats lose their ability to produce testosterone... because they can no longer stimulate GnlH(26)

I then stumbled on a human study published in the journal, Fertility and Sterility...

That shows GnlH stimulation increases LH production... which again, is one of the major hormones responsible for boosting your testosterone levels(27)

This little-known androgen neuron —GnlH — was beginning to pop-up everywhere.

So I kept digging to answer these two questions...

If GnlH is the radio-wave that tells your body to produce more testosterone...

Why does it grow quiet as we age...

And how do we increase its velocity?

After thumbing through more research...

I found — what andrologists call — a GnlH inhibitor.

Which was only recently discovered in 2001.

The GnlH inhibitor is called Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone...

Or GnIH for short.

GnIH Weaken The Androgen Signals Sent Between Your Brain And Testes(28)


And there are several contributing factors that increase this testosterone muting hormone.

One being stress.

Researchers from the University of California Berkeley were shocked to find...

How stress not only lowers levels of GnlH.

But boosts levels of GnIH.

Calling it a “double whammy” to your testosterone production.(29)

So Stress From Everyday Factors...


Like a long day at work...

Stressful situations at home with your wife or kids...

Even your morning commute...

Can trigger GnIH... suppress your androgen neurons... and force your body to stop producing testosterone.

relax Another contributing factor to GnIH is food.

Research from North Carolina State University shows food containing soy...

Which sneaks its way into almost all of our daily staples...

Like cereals, crackers, sauces...

Specific types of nuts and oils...

Even meat and vegetables(30)

Increases GnIH... mutes your androgen neurons... and stalls testosterone production(31)

Maybe the worst culprit leading to increased GnIH is exposure to estrogen.

According to a recent publication in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism...

Estrogen disrupts the signaling of your androgen neurons to your testes(32)

Now you may be thinking to yourself...

Okay, then I’ll just avoid estrogen. Well...

The Amount Of Estrogen You’re Exposed To On A Minute-By-Minute Basis Is Shocking

hands up

According to reports from the scientific journal, Environmental Health Perspectives...

Most plastics... including water bottles, cups and containers, food packaging, cutlery, and more...

leak estrogen into your food and water(33)

And reports from the Healthcare Medical Institute show grocery store receipts

or the paper in magazines... can leak estrogens into your bloodstream(34)

Which makes sense...

Because our skin is our largest organ...

And soaks up just about every chemical we touch. hands up

Even everyday hygiene products...

Like shampoo, cologne, deodorant and body wash... contain hazardous

Estrogens that infiltrate our system... cause a rise in GnIH... and

Disrupt your male hormone production.(35)

It’s A Complete Chemical Castration...

An all out attack that breaks the link between your brain and testes...

to make testosterone.

And treatments like TRT don’t actually fix this root cause.

In fact, the reason your body forgets how to make its own testosterone when on TRT...

Is because TRT cuts off the connection between your brain and testes...

Like snipping the cord of an old telephone in the middle of a conversation.

Once this connection is lost...

Your hypothalamus no longer sends signals to your testes to make testosterone...


So it basically shuts down this mechanism in your brain...

Decreases your GnlH production...

And makes you dependent on artificial testosterone.

It’s kind of like chemotherapy.

Yes, chemo can shrink the size of a tumor... but at the same time, it destroys your immune system.

So your body forgets how to defend itself when it’s off chemo treatments.

The same goes for TRT.

TRT can increase your testosterone...

BUT it diminishes the androgen neurons in your brain.

So your body forgets how to make it.

This is why according to the journal Endocrinology of the Testis and Male Reproduction...

GnlH stimulation is the cornerstone of successful long term low testosterone treatment...(36)

And why the Institute of Reproductive Medicine at a University in Münster, Germany...

And the European Journal of Endocrinology...

Say stimulating GnlH is an effective method for boosting low testosterone(37)

And while there are new treatments to stimulate GnlH.

They cost as much as $41,000.(38)

So this kind of treatment is reserved for the super-rich.

And my patients aren’t exactly millionaires or Hollywood celebrities...

So I sought out natural ways to stimulate these androgen neurons...

And lower the production of GnIH.

That’s when I stumbled on a handful of ingredients…

I’ve never heard of...

Hidden In Eastern Medical Journals Like A Pearly Red Ruby Buried In A Dark Cave...


That rapidly increase the GnlH stimulation in your brain...

And shrink GnIH production.

The latest research in Eastern Medicine directed me to a mysterious herb…

This supernutrient is called Shilajit Extract

Which is an Ancient Ayurvedic medicine...

Found deep in the Himalayan Mountains.

Shilajit is not easy to come by and isn’t manufactured in a facility.

In fact— Shilajit can only be found in mountains with a high enough altitude and under the right amount of sun.

So it’s extremely rare...

But comes with some amazing Testosterone Boosting benefits


A recent study published in the First International Journal of Andrology...

Evaluated the effects of Shilajit on male volunteers ages 45-55 in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study...

Half the men were given a dose of 250 mg of Shilajit Extract twice a day...

The others were given a placebo.

After 90 days the results show the men consuming 250 mg of Shilajit Extract...

Gained higher levels of GnlH... the androgen neuron in your brain.

Which increased LH and FSH levels...

And significantly increased total and free testosterone.(47)

Research from the Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata, India…


Also proves Shilajit Extract to be a potent male fertility compound.

Their research shows men who consume just 100 mg of Shilajit Extract twice a day...

Increase total sperm count and sperm motility...

Both of which are key factors in male fertility.(48)

Based on all of the clinical research I’ve done...

There are few natural ingredients that can hold a candle to Shilajit Extract when it comes to boosting testosterone and improving fertility.


If you’ve never heard of Shilajit before...

It’s likely because this compound can only be found in mountain ranges with an altitude of 8,000 feet or higher in Eastern Asia.

However— through my recent connections with these Eastern doctors...

I was able to strike a deal with a group of Shilajit Harvesters... who also manufacture this test-boosting compound in its purest form.

To add this ingredient to our supply of Ageless T.

That way I could give it to every man who came into my office desperate for help...

But I wasn’t done. Not by a long shot…

I wanted to make sure this was the most POTENT testosterone boosting formula on the planet…

So I contacted a handful of Medical Doctors on the other side of the world...

Who were successfully treating their patients with this herb…

And not only was I given the research-backed dosage and potent sourcing of Shilajit...

I was also given two other Eastern Herbs...

That when combined with Shilajit...

Amplifies Its T-boosting Effects.

I’ll share more on those in a minute.

But it was these 3 natural Eastern androgenic herbs...

And a handful of minerals...

That I started recommending to men of all ages who suffered from low testosterone...

And the results were incredible...

Like Richard B who is 53 who said...

“I stay active and take care of myself…

But for awhile now, my sex drive and libido has been all but dead.

One week on these wonderful herbs and I feel like a young Bull.

Unbelievable how fast a turn around it's been.

I have an edge...more energy, and can get aroused easily, that's a good thing, believe me!

For the first time in a long time..I made my Wife tired Lol. Thank you for your product...I love it ! I only take one in the mornin' and that's plenty.”


Or Chris, who is 58 and said...

“This formula is now part of my daily supplement list...

I feel more energized in the gym during my workouts... and no longer get that 5pm tired/head fog that used to come after a long days work...

I now am ready to crush the gym and whatever else is thrown my way. I highly recommend this formula.”


Or Charles Smith, 47, who was able to reverse his bedroom issues..

I had low testosterone, averaging between 220 and 310 which is low to low-normal...

I was struggling with certain "issues" (you guys know what I'm talking about) and nothing seemed to work for me.

I searched for a few years trying all sorts of natural products to address the issue... they ALL failed till I was given Dr. Steve’s formula.

This has effectively addressed my low T issues.


My libido has returned, there is no issue with erectile performance. Heck it’s actually stronger on this stuff.

Best of all my body immediately started dropping all the weight and bloat I gained from my previous low T problem. What a Godsend this has been.”

And this from Jesse T
who is 32 who said...

So I recently was feeling super low energy and was honestly stressing out because it was taking a toll on my body in the gym and with my libido I was so nervous about this that I actually scheduled an appointment with Kaiser to get my testosterone levels tested.

-July 9th, 2019: I went in to Kaiser and was scored at 276 ng/dl

-July 10th,2019: Started taking the formula from Dr. Steve

-July 30th, 2019: I went into Kaiser and was scored at 706 ng/dl


In 20 days this was able to increase my testosterone levels by 430 ng/dl which with the little knowledge I do know, seems like a significant amount.

From my personal research standard range is between 300 and 900 ng/dl for men (varies on age and lifestyle).

I am going to continue on this and get retested in a few months to see what the consistency is but for the moment, I have to say it works.”

With all of these positive reports that I was hearing...

I knew that I stumbled on something special that I couldn’t keep a secret. And...

Now I’ve already told you about Shilajit…

And how this unique herb from the other side of the world...

Increases GnlH stimulation... and forces your body to produce more testosterone.

But there are a few more testosterone-boosting ingredients added to this formula...

To make it the most powerful testosterone breakthrough you can get your hands on.

So you won’t have to wrestle with the thought of TRT...

Or waiting years for other slow-go methods like exercise or dieting to increase your T.


With the combination of these ingredients you will quicken your results... and transform your body and health starting in a matter of days.

Now I can’t take credit for this.

In fact— a few of the ingredients I’m about to share... I’d never heard of before.

They were recommended to me by a few of my new doctor friends... who are actively treating their patients with Eastern herbs on the other side of the world...

And when combined with Shilajit Extract...

Will take your results to the next level.

The first extra ingredient is found in Western Asia…2

And has been prized for centuries for its ability to naturally increase testosterone levels in men.

This supernutrient targets low T at the source… By activating your GnlH signal…


And dampening the GnIH neuron that shuts down testosterone production.

It’s called Fenugreek.

And one study published by the International Journal of Medical Sciences…3

Took 50 people…

And gave each 2 capsules containing 500mg of this supernutrient each day.

The results were nothing short of remarkable…

After 90 days had passed, researchers analyzed the subjects blood and were SHOCKED by the results…

Both t-boosting hormones, LH and FSH, skyrocketed by 34.85% and 55.97% respectively.4

Without ANY reported side effects.

In other words…

This supernutrient activates the GnlH receptor – triggering your body to release a tidal wave of testosterone boosting hormones!

So it’s no surprise in another study published in the Journal of Sport and Health Science, this supernutrient boosted testosterone levels by a whopping 98.7%!5

Imagine it…

Feeling a RUSH of energy surging through your body…

Experiencing your mood, your brain fog lifting… yoga

And, for the first time in a long time, seeing your drive in the bedroom return like a raging bull.

Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Certainly! But that would only just be the start…

Because when you pair Shilajit Extract and Fenugreek with the next T-boosting supernutrient – that’s when you see the very best results.


It’s called DIM.

Which is a unique compound created in your body – if you were to eat A LOT of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli or Brussels sprouts.

But most importantly, this supernutrient acts like a “shield” protecting your T levels…

Ensuring they REMAIN sky high.

No matter how much stress, plastics or anything else you’re exposed to.

You see, now that you’ve activated your GnlH…

And put a “decreasing switch” on your testosterone-destroying GnIH neurons…

You’ll want to ensure that nothing at all interferes with your T levels.

And that’s exactly where this miracle DIM supernutrient comes in.

Because it stops your body from converting your anabolic hormones, LH and FSH, into estrogen.

You see…

What many men who take dangerous procedures like TRT find – is a sudden and unexplainable RISE in estrogen.


The reason for this is that your body starts converting your newly increased testosterone into estrogen.

estrogen And this has EVERYTHING to do with your GnIH receptors.

Remember, GnIH is responsible for weakening the connecting between the brain and the testes.

But that’s not all…

A recent study found and I quote…

“GnIH stimulated the activity of aromatase and increased neuroestrogen synthesis”6

In simple speak…

DIM goes to the HEART of your low T troubles – by shutting down the GnIH receptor…

To ensure your T levels flow like a waterfall in your body…

Electrifying your energy, your drive and “bedroom stamina”.

That’s not just my opinion either.

According to one international study, DIM has now been PROVEN to have powerful “anti-estrogenic activity”.7

So, to recap…

Now that Shilajit Extract and
Fenugreek are activating your
GnlH receptors…

And helping deliver a massive payload of T-boosting hormones… so your T levels soar to new heights…

You’ll now have DIM to thank for keeping it that way.

But before you run off to Target, Walmart or Amazon…

You have to understand that the first 3 ingredients are limited to Eastern Medicine...

And like I mentioned...

It wasn’t easy to get my hands on these 3 ingredients...

Which are likely the...

3 Most Potent Testosterone-boosting Gems on the Other Side of the World

And after almost a year of 2 am phone calls to manufacturers...

And finding the most research-backed and purest forms of these 3 ingredients...

We’ve found a way to combine them into an all-natural testosterone breakthrough in a bottle that you’ve likely never experienced before.

And while I could have stopped there...

I wanted to include some tried and true testosterone staples based on research from here in the United States...

iconTo Support your T

iconImprove your Sexual Health

iconSupercharge your Energy Levels

Which is why I added-in the triple-crown of testosterone boosting minerals...


Zinc, Magnesium and Chrysin.

I’ll briefly explain each...

Then share with you two more key nutrients I added to this formula...

That will likely shock you...

But give you a noticeable boost in performance and hormones in a matter of minutes.

First is Zinc.

Zinc is one of the most common minerals men today are deficient in.

And the latest research shows men with zinc deficiency can develop low testosterone(53)

Plus - men with low zinc levels may also suffer from erectile dysfunction.(54)


However the latest research published by the Department of Internal Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine...

And across multiple studies in the U.S. National Library of Medicine...(55, 56, 57)

Shows zinc administration can nearly double your testosterone levels.(58)

The way zinc does this is by stimulating GnlH...

The Testosterone Synapse inside of your brain that I’ve mentioned throughout this letter...

To increase luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) production…

Resulting in higher testosterone.

The study took 40 male patients of ages 20 to 80…


Each patient had low testosterone levels... and were given up to 6 months of zinc supplementation...

And after the 6 months of zinc supplementation, the majority of participants nearly doubled their testosterone levels.

So you may be thinking you can just eat foods high in zinc and gain some sort of benefit, right?

To an extent, you can.

In fact— eating more zinc was made famous by a man named Casanova...

History's Most Famous Lover of the 18th Century

He swore by the aphrodisiac properties of oysters - which is one of the highest zinc containing foods in the world.

Casanova routinely ate 50 oysters every single day for breakfast to capture the manly benefits of zinc.

And while you can do that and likely see some results...

Oysters aren’t everyone’s favorite food or texture.

And eating 50 oysters a day will likely break your grocery budget...

So for that reason I added the research-backed dose of zinc to too so you can capture these t-boosting benefits yourself without having to boil up a bag of oysters every time you want to feel manly.

Now there’s another mineral that we added…

Which is Magnesium.


Research published in the International Journal of Andrology...

Finds the proper dose of magnesium is strongly and positively associated with total testosterone and total IGF-1.

What this means is...

When you have a healthy amount of magnesium supplemented into your day. You get an...


Increase in Testosterone Levels and Human Growth Hormone Levels... Which Is More Famously Known as the Fountain Of Youth Hormone(59)

So you get a double-whammy of anabolic hormones. Plus...

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition...

Also shows 8 mg of Magnesium supplementation... can increase your lean body mass and strength.(60)

So if you want an edge in the gym...

To plow through your workouts and get more strength gains...

While building lean and defined muscles...

Supplementing with the research-backed dosage of magnesium will help.

Which is why I’ve included an ultra-pure form of magnesium.

The last mineral in this testosterone-boosting formula is Chrysin.


It contains something called vitamin P – which is a flavonoid found in passionflower, honey, and bee propolis.

And is one of the most powerful “aromatase inhibitors” on the planet.

In other words…

This nutrient BLOCKS your GnIH receptors from wreaking havoc on your newly boosted T levels… by a staggering 50%!8

Plus, Chrysin has even been shown to boost your libido – giving you the “all night” bedroom stamina of your 20s. 9

In other words…

You have everything you need to boost the levels of LH and FSH, your 2 key anabolic hormones…

So with Chrysin you all-but guarantee your body keeps your testosterone levels sky high in the body…

Putting an END to your low T struggles, for good…

And giving you a massive surge in all-day energy and performance like you were a teen again.

Lastly— we added two food extracts...

Backed by science to increase your T and benefit your manhood in several ways.

Starting with Tribulus Terrestris Extract.

Research shows supplementing with Tribulus Terrestris Extract is a powerful libido booster…

Helping to increase sexual desire by 79%... after just 8 weeks!10

And can even help manage erectile dysfunction

Now - Tribulus Terrestris Extract isn’t cheap or easy to find.

Buying just a few bottles can cost you an entire cart of groceries.

Which is why we wanted to save you money and add Tribulus Terrestris Extract into this so you don’t have to blow your entire budget on this ultra-powerful t-boosting ingredient that provides some upside in the bedroom too.

white capsule

And Lastly We Added 50 mg of Ginger.

According to the findings of a 2012 study...

Taking a daily ginger supplement for 3 months increased testosterone levels by 17.7% in a group of 75 adult male participants with fertility issues.

Ginger supplementation is also shown to decrease stress levels and inflammation... both are contributing factors that increase GnIH... the neuron that silences your testosterone production.(66)

So ginger helps ward off its effects.

Now that’s a lot of ingredients...

And if you were to combine all of these ingredients into a single formula on your own…

It would cost you somewhere around $150 for a 30 day supply.

But even then…

You run the risk of getting the wrong dosages... or a less potent form of the ingredients I just mentioned.

Plus - the first 3 Eastern Herbs I described to you... especially in their purest form... are not easy to find...

And you’ll be hard pressed to find the research-backed formulas that are being used by naturopathic doctors to treat low testosterone in places like China and India right now.

But that’s why it’s important not to go at it alone and try and figure out the formula yourself.

That's Why I Formulated These Powerful Nutrients
Into One Easy To Use Test-boosting Solution Called


ageless bottle

As a Doctor I've seen everything out on the market. As I developed Ageless T I wanted to ensure it was the most advanced testosterone boosting, muscle building, libido enhancing feel like a teenager again product available. So confident I put my name on the label and back it up with an unconditional guarantee.


I’ve already made the connections... Gotten access to the most research-backed ingredients in their science-backed dosages...

ageless bottles

And have used my research...

And the research of hundreds of credible Universities and publications to put together what may be a trailblazing breakthrough in natural testosterone support for men.

And I want you to experience the power of this formula.

So by now you may be
wondering how you can get your hands on Ageless T...

And How Much You Should Take A Day For Maximum Effect

It’s easy...

Just take one serving of Ageless T once a day.

And let your body and hormones do the rest.

That’s it. And you’ll want to get started as soon as possible today. See...

With how quickly this website is going viral...

You can imagine the demand for Ageless T is high.

I had no idea that giving this formula to men who were struggling with low-t would cause such a buzz.

Now— nearly every man who hears about Ageless T... wants to get his hands on it.

But because some of the ingredients inside of Ageless T are super rare...

And come from the most potent herbs sourced on the other side of the world...

It isn’t cheap or easy to get our hands on these ingredients.

So keeping up with the demand is a real issue...

And it’s for that reason...

Out Of Stocks Are A Very Real Risk

And when that happens, we could be backed up two months or longer.

And I would hate for you to come back to this website later to see we’re out of stock.

Which is why you will want to listen closely...

Because I’m about to walk you through how you can get your hands on this testosterone breakthrough...

And have it delivered right to your door in the next couple of days without a prescription and at a very affordable price.

See - my personal mission is to help as many men as I can...

And provide the world with the world’s most powerful natural low-t solution...

out of stock

That gives you remarkable results in how you look and feel in a matter of days.

Without nasty side-effects or dependency.

Too many men are risking their lives and health on TRT.

As a doctor with natural medical clinics around the U.S. I saw this as a huge issue that needed to be fixed.

Which is why I’ve spent thousands of dollars of my own money...

Buried myself in hundreds of hours of research…

To find the highest quality sourcing of these ingredients...

And personally worked with the manufacturers to bring Ageless T to its most affordable price. So you can...

Get Your Hands On These Breakthrough Ingredients In Their Purest And Most Potent Form At A Major Discount...


And enjoy the perks of being a man with high testosterone.

So right now on this page while supplies last…

You can claim your specially discounted bottle of Ageless T for only $69.

But it gets better…

Because I want to give an even bigger discount to you right now if you’re serious about getting the most out of Ageless T.


Every study I mentioned in today’s report...

Lasted for at least 2 months.

Meaning... the men who saw the best results... use the ingredients inside of Ageless T for 60, 90, even 180 days straight.

And it’s for that reason…

Myself and team made it a priority to get each bottle down to the lowest price possible when you order 6 bottles of Ageless T today.

Which is why…

When you order 6 bottles of Ageless T -
you’ll save an extra $20.00 per bottle…

And when you truly decide to take advantage of the compounding effects of Ageless T... by bundling up with 6 bottles of this breakthrough formula...

You’ll get a free bottle of our breakthrough Super D3 nano with K1 + K2(mk-4) + K2(mk-7)

agless bottles plus free nano So if you consider yourself a savvy person...

You’ll want to stock up on more.

Especially while this supply is still available and we are giving it away for a big discount.

And one more thing…

When you order Ageless T on this page…

agless bottles plus free nano

Get the Vigor, Stamina and Energy you had when you were a Teenager
Choose the 6 month supply now!



ageless bottle




Total: $149 $59


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Total: $894 $174

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Upgrading your order of Ageless T today comes with many perks…

Because when you choose the 6 bottle option today…

We’ll give you 2 FREE BONUSES, valued at $200…

That will make all the difference in boosting your T and protecting your manhood.

The first is…

** This is a digital download


7 Testosterone Destroyers (valued at $69)

This guide reveals the 7 sneaky testosterone destroyers that wreak havoc on your manhood! Inside you’ll discover…

iconThe truth about a “so-called-health-food” that will tank your T levels faster than you can replenish them.

iconWhy ‘casual drinking’ can lead to nearly 7% drops in testosterone in a matter of weeks.

iconAnd how walking in the sun could be the best things for maintaining healthy T levels.

With this guide, you’ll be able to know and avoid these T tanking triggers and keep your manhood protected

But that’s not all…

Our 2nd bonus will help you boost your T levels in a way you never expected…

** This is a digital download BONUS #2

Intermittent Fasting for Boosting T (Valued at $129.99)

You’ve heard that intermittent fasting can be good for fat loss, but did you know it can also boost T levels? This guide will show you how it all works, including:

** This is a digital download

iconHow to boost your testosterone by 180% with a no-fail intermittent fasting schedule.

iconThe secret to 4X’s your growth hormones & ratcheting up your manhood.

icon2 powerful supernutrients that help detoxify and energize your body for optimal testosterone production.

This guide is one of the most sought-after tools for boosting T naturally…

And people have told me I’m crazy for giving it away for free…

But I think it’s essential to your overall health and T production…

This is my gift to you for believing in Ageless T and taking charge of your manhood.

As you can see... I’m serious about getting Ageless T into your hands at the most affordable price possible.


Now that kind of generosity may shock you...

And you may think, “okay, doctor Steve Hruby, what’s the catch?”

The truth is— there is none.

I already make a living for myself and family with my clinical practices— I don’t need the money.

In fact... after speaking with the manufacturers and whittling the price down for the 3 or 6 bottle bundles...

And after I cover the shipping cost for you…

Plus the fees I have to pay for hosting this website...

I will make pennies off of Ageless T.

But like I said - My mission is to help men like you who are in a desperate situation with low t...

And don’t want you to subject yourself to the dangerous risks of TRT...

Which is why I’m bringing you this “Natural TRT in a bottle” for almost nothing when you order your supply today...

So here’s what to do next...

If you’re serious about reclaiming your manhood... turning fat into muscle... and regaining your youthful energy and vigor…

Choose the 3 or 6 month discounted supply of Ageless T below or whatever option works best for you...

You’ll then be taken to a secure order form that takes just a few seconds to fill out...

Click the buy button…

And we will ship your order right away and your bottles of Ageless T will arrive to your door in the next 2-5 business days.

Get the Vigor, Stamina and Energy you had when you were a Teenager
Choose the 6 month supply now!



ageless bottle




Total: $149 $59


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Total: $894 $174

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Claim your 3 Or 6 bottle supply of Ageless T (or whatever option is best for you) to safely & naturally turbocharge your testosterone


And if for whatever reason you aren’t happy with your bottles of Ageless T...

No problem.

Because when you order today... you won’t risk a single penny.

Let me say this as simply as I can...

I don’t believe you should pay a single penny for a supplement unless you’re thrilled with the results.

And I’m not talking about some abstract “I-think-I-feel-a-bit-better” kind of thing.

I’m talking about experiencing a real-life improvement in your testosterone levels...

Where you feel pumped up about how your energy, physique and your sex drive improve over time...

And have feelings and results that make you look forward to getting out of bed in the morning… racing down the stairs… and taking your daily serving of Ageless T.

That’s why when you purchase Ageless T today...

I’m going to back up your order with my...

Iron-clad 180 day Money Back Guarantee...

Meaning you have a full six months to try Ageless T risk-free.

And if you aren’t satisfied for
whatever reason...


Send us an email and we will refund your every penny.

No questions asked.

There are no hassles. No annoying return process with a bunch of papers to fill out... or having to call and speak to our customer service team.

You won’t even have to return the bottles.

So there really is no risk and no hassle on your end whatsoever.

With that said...

I doubt you’ll want a refund.

You’re going to have an amazing experience with Ageless T

Just like the other men you’ve heard from today.

Within days you’ll feel your energy and sex-drive booming back to life…

You’ll gain a noticeable boost in your performance with your workouts... and feel like you can push harder at the gym.

And pretty soon you’ll watch ugly belly fat and squishy arms and legs get replaced with lean and ripped muscle.

You’ll feel like you’ve gotten a second chance on life... and can enjoy youthful energy and vigor to the fullest.

So here’s what you need to do right now before supplies run out… and while this special discount and offer is still available…

Choose Your Supply Of Ageless T Below....


Reclaim your manhood.

Get your performance back and feel like a beast in the gym and in the bedroom.

And enjoy the upside of being a man pumping high with testosterone.

Now if you’re still wondering if Ageless T is for you...

There Are Only Two Options Of Where To Go From Here...

One - you can forget all of the information you learned in today’s report…

Ignore the latest research about low-testosterone...

And how it’s caused by weakened androgen signals in your brain...

Plus - how GnIH - the testosterone muting neuron...

Is blocking your brain’s signals to your testicles…

And preventing it from releasing more testosterone.

You can dismiss the natural breakthrough with ingredients confirmed in dozens on Eastern Medicine clinical trials and studies…

To skyrocket your testosterone
production… and get your energy…
drive… and male performance back...

healthy food

And do nothing while the problems with your testosterone only get worse.

You’ll also always struggle to lose your belly and build lean muscle...

Because testosterone is the master male hormone that controls your body composition and performance. And the less you have of it, the harder it is to see any changes in the mirror or get stronger in the gym.

So all you’ll really be doing is spinning your wheels with your workouts… and wasting your time and the little bit of energy that you do have.

And because your testosterone levels will continue to get lower with each passing year... your belly will get bigger, your muscles will get softer... and you’ll look and feel like a shell of the man you used to be.

Your partner may not even recognize you. Because low testosterone has robbed you of your masculinity. And the energetic man and stud in the bedroom she first married is a distant memory.

If that wasn’t bad enough… your libido will continue taking a nose-dive. And before you know it you realize that you and her hardly have sex. Your intimacy has vanished. And at some point she’s going to want to find it somewhere else with someone else who has the passion that you’re missing.


A lot of guys settle. Give up on their marriage. Quit on their body and health. And chalk it up to age...

And by ignoring the information you learned about on this page, you can join them.. And trek that hard and bumpy road if you want to.

But because you’re still reading this letter…

I’m willing to bet you want to end this low-t nightmare…

Which Is Why There’s Option #2...


Which is the smartest option with zero friction...

And that is to order your supply of Ageless T today...

That’s when things really get exciting...

Because it only takes 10 seconds a day...

first thing in the morning... to get these ingredients activated and going to work in your body.

And imagine how great you will feel when these ingredients go to work in full force... and you get your libido back to your pre-college days...

You feel the warm rush of hormones pulsating throughout your body when your wife calls you to the bedroom...

And feel like a god between the sheets again…

Giving her the best sex that she can remember...

And while her friends are complaining about how their husbands and boyfriends have become a slump in the sack with age...

She’s blushing bragging about your race car like stamina to go the distance every time…

And how you have a teenagers’ energy with the body of a full-grown man. Which is any woman’s fantasy.

Because now you’re pushing through your workouts and showing up guys half your age in the gym.

You gain muscle faster... and your entire body looks tighter and more in shape...

You’re stronger... pushing the weights without the burning in your joints or having to recover for days afterward ... and you have the endurance to go longer and harder.

You feel like you’ve stepped into a time machine and are better than you were 15 years ago...


All because of this simple 10-second routine of taking Ageless T first thing in the morning.

But like I mentioned earlier…

We are at the mercy of our manufacturers...

So when they run out of supply... which does happen...

We could be backed up for weeks. I hate that it’s this way. But we refuse to use less than the effective science-backed ingredients we shared in this letter.

So here’s what you need to do right now while we are still in stock…

Get the Vigor, Stamina and Energy you had when you were a Teenager
Choose the 6 month supply now!



ageless bottle




Total: $149 $59


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Total: $447 $117






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$447 $117


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The one bottle option will get you started...

The 3 bottle option will give you a massive boost in your energy and performance...

And you’ll start feeling like a new man with a whole lot of vigor and drive for life in the coming weeks.

And the 6 bottle option... will maximize the compounding effects of Ageless T... and set you up for a massive testosterone overhaul... that’s safe, natural and comes with zero side effects... plus you will get a 30% off discount that will save you over $120.00.

You’ll then be taken to a secure checkout page where you will complete your order…


And in the next 2-5 business days... your discounted supply of Ageless T will be dropped off in a discreet package at your front door.

Plus you have a 180 day 100% money back guarantee... so there’s no risk involved.

Take advantage of today’s discount while supplies last…

Order your supply of Ageless T now…

Skyrocket your testosterone and change your life for the better.

I’m truly thankful for you reading this special report and I look forward to seeing you on the other side of your order.

Get the Vigor, Stamina and Energy you had when you were a Teenager
Choose the 6 month supply now!



ageless bottle




Total: $149 $59


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Total: $894 $174

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Total: $447 $117






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Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is Ageless T For?

Ageless T is for men 30 years old and beyond who want to boost your testosterone... build lean muscle… burn fat… and fill-up on youthful energy…

It’s also for guys who want to increase their sex-drive and bedroom performance...

Or if you just want an edge other men your age are missing… like better, clearer focus…confidence that your body will hold up when you need it most… and passion for your partner or spouse.

Basically— whether you’re 30 or 80... you can benefit from the science-backed ingredients and research-backed doses inside Ageless T to flip on your “testosterone synapse”... reclaim your manhood and feel like you’ve been given a brand new lease on life.

What Are The Ingredients Inside Ageless T?

Ageless T contains 8 science-backed ingredients…

That are both safe and natural… and PROVEN to give you the raging testosterone levels of a young bull again.

The ingredients are…

Shilajit Extract is a rare herb found only in high altitudes of the Himalayan Mountains... and has been proven in eastern medicine clinical trials to increase levels of GnlH (the androgen neuron in your brain).

As a result, this exotic herb increases total and free testosterone... plus, it boosts sperm count and sexual health.

You also get 2 more ultra-powerful herbs exclusively found on the eastern half of the globe— Fenugreek and DIM.

Fenugreek is a rare herb found in Western Asia…... and has been proven in eastern medicine clinical trials to increase levels of GnlH (the androgen neuron in your brain).

As a result, this exotic herb increases total and free testosterone... plus, it boosts sperm count and sexual health.

Which makes it a perfect compliment to the next herb… DIM.

Like the other two eastern herbs I’ve mentioned... this one keeps your natural testosterone production SKY HIGH.

Not bad for an herb that’s completely natural... and stops your natural testosterone production from being interrupted.

And we’re still not done yet...

Because I sifted through some American studies to make this formula even better... and found a group of 3 minerals that almost 100% of guys don’t get enough of... but are absolutely crucial for maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

These minerals are Zinc, Magnesium and Chrysin.

All of these minerals are proven in human studies to increase testosterone levels in men over time...

But they also each have their own “specialty.”

Zinc flips on the “testosterone synapse” in your hypothalamus... and can double your testosterone levels after 6 months of use with the proper dosage...

Magnesium unlocks a hormone called IGF-1... which is a natural growth hormone that makes it easy to build muscle... lose body fat... and get stronger, too.

Chrysin has been shown to block 50% of your testosterone from turning into estrogen… ensuring you see the profound energy and mood boosting effects of your newly SKY HIGH testosterone levels…

Plus it has been shown to RAMP UP your libido – giving you the enviable bedroom stamina of college kid.

And to top it off...

Our Ageless T formula also includes Tribulus Terrestris Extract and Ginger.

Tribulus Terrestris Extract is a potent and natural aphrodisiac... boosting sexual desire and performance...

Which makes our addition of Ginger a perfect fit to go with it…

Because Ginger decreases stress and inflammation... which are some of the root causes of an “aging performance” in the bedroom.

But with these two ingredients combined with the other 6 you’ll feel more in charge during sex than you have in a long time.

And as the icing on the cake... Ginger also wards off GnIH... the hormone that tries to silence that very important GnlH that gives you “animal-like” testosterone again.

Like I said earlier... these are not your run-of-the-mill... diluted and weak forms of herbs and nutrients.

Unlike most testosterone-boosters on the market...

Our ingredients inside of Ageless T are ultra high-quality…

Are verified by an independent third-party laboratory...

And are delivered to your body in research-backed doses, so you can trust what’s on the label and the effectiveness of these ingredients inside each capsule.

Is There a Money Back Guarantee?

Yes— and it’s an ironclad 180 day 100% money back guarantee.

That means if after you order your supply of Ageless T today... you have a full six months to decide if it’s for you.

And if for whatever reason you decide it’s not…

Even if you order all 6 bottles and there’s not a single capsule left by the time you’re done...

Simply send us an email... and we’ll give you a full refund. No hassles. No hoops to jump through. You won’t even have to return the bottles.

But if you’re like any of the other men who already take Ageless T...you’ll be pumped by the boundless energy... and pulsing testosterone you feel.

You’ll be eager to slip under the covers with your partner again... and she’ll be excited about it too...

Not to mention you’ll lose stubborn body fat and add more lean muscle to your frame... even if you don’t exercise.

All day long you’ll wonder how you ever made it without this ultimate male support system.

How Long Will Ageless T Be Available?

I can’t say for certain.

The three powerful eastern herbs inside Ageless T... Shilajit Extract... Fenugreek and DIM... that stimulate GnlH (your testosterone synapse) — and forces your body to produce testosterone...

And Zinc... Magnesium... and Chrysin... which also triggers an androgen cascade effect in the body...

And Tribulus Terrestris Extract and Ginger which bulletproof the GnlH process... and make you a better lover... all around happier guy... and stronger and leaner...

Some of these ingredients are very rare.

Not only are some of them from the other side of the world... but the others are also very rare in the states, too.

And because we refuse to give you any dose that’s less than the proven effective doses from the scientific studies…

It takes a lot of time to track them down in their proper amounts and get them for you.

Which could make it difficult to keep up with the demand.

And could mean if we run out of stock... we might be out for months at a time.

Which is why I want you to get Ageless T today while supplies last...

Plus... on this page only you get a huge discount and our 180 day 100% money back guarantee… and your shipping is on us. Totally FREE.

So you have zero risk... and there’s no place for your testosterone to go from here, but up.

I’m Ready To Try Ageless T. How Do I Get Started?

Choose the supply of Ageless T that’s right for you...

The one bottle option will get you started...

The 3 bottle option will work together to give you a massive boost in your energy and performance...

And you’ll start feeling like a younger man with a whole lot of drive for life again...

And the 6 bottle option will set you up for the testosterone transformation of a lifetime... that’s safe, natural and comes with zero side effects.

Your going to love the feeling of switching on your testosterone synapse again... and getting the boundless energy... ripped muscle... and gossip-worthy bedroom stamina again.

So click the add to cart button.

You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you will complete your order…

And in the next 2-5 business days... Ageless T will be dropped off in a discreet package at your front door.

Remember— you have a 180 day 100% money back guarantee... so there’s no risk involved.

So take advantage of today’s discount while supplies last…

Order your supply of Ageless T now… skyrocket your natural testosterone and change your life for the better.

I can’t wait to hear about your experience.


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